Create Opportunity for Others, Be a Blessing to those We Serve, and Have Fun, Make Money are all a part of our mission statement. We memorize it, we share it and we create conversations around these points ALL THE TIME! Every training, every individual coaching session, every rep conversation and all of our daily, weekly, monthly and annual rep recognition centers around these core values; they shape our world. We have found that by keeping these values in the forefront of the language we use and the conversations we have, we are able to keep the main thing as the main thing.
-— Britney Vickery, founder and CEO, Initials, Inc.
In the church that my wife and I attend, I shared with the leadership team the concept of morning team rallies, where all the volunteers are acknowledged and celebrated for their efforts. Sharing how the core values can be implemented in our everyday lives has caused our team to take pride in not only memorizing the values, but sharing them with new team members. We challenge team members to take a photo of them putting our core values in action and posting it on social media. Seeing your core values living and breathing in motion is a great way to ensure “they got it!”
— Terry Briggs, co-founder and president, JemAdorn
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